On 20.6.2022 and 21.06.2022, the leading partner made a business trip to Ukraine to Uzhhorod to check the implementation of the project with the Ukrainian partner B1 Uzhhorod National University. The inspection day was attended by:
– by LB : RNDr.Igor Kudzej, CSc., coordinator of the LB project CSW
– from B1: Oleksandr Reity, Ivan Kalynych, Natalya Kablak – online
Following persons used the presence of the coordinator of the lead partner for consultations:
for B2: Vasyl Perig, Olena Karmishkina, Stehur Olha
for B4: Inna Kvakovska, Andrej Soyma
In the course of the inspection, it was concluded:
- The implementation of activities with the Ukrainian partners due to the constraints imposed by the state of war in Ukraine continued under a restricted regime.
- After receiving the second grant (40%), all Ukrainian partners are ready with the start of the IP for the construction of investments and the purchase of measuring platform equipment
- Visibility – the project is promoted on the UNU website, all items purchased from the project are properly marked with the logo of the program and project and a clear accounting record of financial transactions related to the project is kept
A request was made by the Ukrainian partners to review the date of the first audit for the following reason:
The annual audit date is set for 1 July 2022, since financial transfers were suspended for Ukrainian partners from March to May, partners could not spend 50% of the 40% received within one month. A 2-month delay in the audit would solve the situation.
- During the Control Day, a visit was made to Velikyj Bereznyj, where the place of installation of the promotional pavilion of the VB4 partner was specified.
In Humenné 27.06.2022 Igor Kudzej