About the sky brightness measurements

The implementation of the Carpathian Star Way project has concluded. We will gradually publish the results from sky brightness measurements and the impacts of light pollution on it. From the experiences of our Hungarian partner and the lectures of Dr. Zoltán Kolláth, we know that mere measurements using SQM devices do not provide much insight. The problem is illustrated in Figure 1. The arrival of intense green airglow completely changed the conditions overnight.

Fig. 1. Images taken in the night 10/11-01-2024. Nikon Z5, exp. 8s, aperture 2.8, ISO 12800, white balance 3800K. Captured at the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle at 21:34 UT (left) and in the morning at 01:21 (right). Without any further processing.

We attempted to identify artificial light sources around the observatory. During clear nights, this is not apparent. Light from artificial illumination successfully escapes into space, and only a small portion of it disperses in the atmosphere (fortunately). In Figure 2, only sources such as Stakčín and Snina can be identified, as well as significantly short-wave Užhorod.

Fig. 2. Panoramic views from the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonické Saddle on the night of January 10-11, 2024. The top image shows the evening situation, while the bottom image shows the morning after the onset of the airglow event. Exposure: 8s, aperture: 2.8, ISO: 12800, white balance: 3800K.
Fig. 3. Panorama composed of images with an exposure of 8s, aperture of 2.8, ISO 6400, and white balance of 3800K. Taken on January 31, 2024, before midnight, thus before turning off the public lighting in Kolonica.

Artificial sources are better identifiable under cloudy skies, as shown in Figure 3. Only closer sources are reflected from the homogeneous layer of low clouds. The closer the source, the higher above the horizon we see the “light cap”. This makes it easy to identify Snina, Stakčín, Ulič, which predominantly emit in the longer wavelength region. The short-wave, blue source is at the border crossing in Ubli. The worst source of light pollution is the village of Kolonica itself, serving as an example of poor reconstruction of public lighting.

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The final conference of the project

The project “Carpathian Star Way” has entered the final stage of its implementation. On October 12-13, 2023, the concluding conference took place, attended by project partners from Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, all those who participated in the project’s realization, and those interested in the project’s theme. Overall, more than 40 participants attended the conference, held at the Cultural Center in Stakčín and at the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonica Saddle.

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Program of the final conference

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Project meeting in Kisgyőr

The last project meeting was held in the municipality of Kisgyőr with the participation of members of the main partner and partner B3. The main topic was determining the steps to fulfill the correct values for all project indicators.

The conclusions of the meeting relate primarily to the preparation of a form for monitoring environmental protection, map outputs on the extent of light pollution and thematic content of the maps. The results of the light pollution measurements will be recorded in a protocol prepared by the project’s main partner.

Program of the meeting:

Minutes of the meeting

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Info days in Hungary

Up to now 7 event were organized by the Hungarian beneficiary.

The events were mainly in cultural houses or schools. We announced the programs on internet and posters. We were speaking about the project, about light pollution, how to prevent it and about the benefits of dark-sky parks. We delivered the leaflet of the project.
The events:
06.25. Répáshuta
10.07. Répáshuta
10.13. Bükkszentkereszt
11.30. Kisgyőr
04.29. Bükkzsérc
06.13. Mályinka
06.14. Miskolc

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Control days in Ukraine



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Info days in Ukraine

First info days in Ukraine took place





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Info days in Slovakia

In May 2023, the main beneficiary implemented additional information days on the issue of light pollution. As part of the implementation of the Carpathian Star Way project, it was decided to inform the public about the project, light pollution and its effects on the environment in all districts of the Prešov self-governing region. We took advantage of the Night of Museums and Thanksgiving March activities in the districts: Bardejov, Stará Ľubovňa, Poprad, Kežmarok, Snina. For a total of 154 participants. A brief overview is in the following table and we also attach a photo gallery.

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II. CSW project seminar

The Hungarian partner of the Carpathian Star Way project, nature conservation company Rónaőrző, organized a seminar entitled “The night sky as part of the natural and cultural heritage of the region” held on – 3 October 2022.

The seminar took place in Repašská Huta near Miskolc, in the Bükk National Park. The afternoon of the first day of the seminar was devoted to a workshop on the measurement and processing of light pollution data, which was led by Prof. Zoltán Kolláth, who works at the Karol Esztreházy Catholic University in Eger and has been involved in the analysis and interpretation of data in the field of light pollution for a long time.

The evening program of the first day was filled with a tour of the observatory belonging to the Bükk National Park, located above the village of Repašská Huta. The modernly furnished observatory is focused on popularization activities and has been visited by more than 40 thousand visitors since its opening in March 2022.

During the second day of the seminar, contributions were made about the current state of implementation of the CSW project, about the intended publication of a lighting manual for municipalities in the Slovak language and about NP Poloniny. It continued with a contribution about the starry sky as part of the cultural heritage, namely mentions of what was happening in the sky in the culture of the shepherds living in the area of the Hortobágy plain. The influence of the night sky on the quality of life of the Bükk region was the last topic of the seminar, which ended with a discussion and lunch.

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on light pollution measurement and data analysis

10. – 11. 6. 2022

The Vihorlat Observatory in Humenné, as the leading partner of the Carpathian Starway project, organized an expert seminar kolofota, which took place as the first of the four planned seminars within this cross-border project of the ENI HUSKROUA programme.

In line with the focus of the project, the main theme was Light pollution, its measurement, processing and analysis of data. Due to the fact that the Ukrainian partners were not able to participate in the attendance, an online transmission was broadcasted on a platform provided by The University of P. J. Safarik in Košice.

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